ACT Gambling Support Service Home

1800 858 858

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Is gambling affecting
your life?

You are in the right place. We help people address gambling harm on their terms and link them to other services they may need.

Is someone else’s gambling impacting on your life?

Having a family member or friend struggling with gambling harm can be hard to watch. Sometimes you don’t know what to do to help. We can guide you to explore strategies to manage what’s happening to you or someone you know who is affected by gambling.

Organise a callback

Talking to someone who has a lot of experience in how to manage gambling harm can help you feel clearer about the options available.

We provide free and confidential support in a number of ways.

We listen without judgement and/or unrealistic expectations.

Call us on 1800 585 858 or send us a message.



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View our resources

We are here to listen and guide you. We provide support and resources to help you gain the skills and confidence to manage gambling.

Tools and resources

An animation that explains gambling

The Big Fish animation uses an analogy of a fish getting ‘hooked’ and takes the viewer on a journey to show how one can lose large amounts of money, a sense of well being and including friends and family.  However, by the end, things start to change for the better.  

People can become addicted to gambling due to a variety of reasons. They may be coping with abuse, loneliness, financial issues or feeling depressed. It’s important to remember this when we or loved ones are affected by gambling harm. 

We are here to listen and guide you. We provide support and resources to help you gain the skills and confidence to manage gambling.

Assess your risk of gambling harm

We know that recognising gambling harm might be difficult. Assessing where you are now can help you make informed decisions on what to do next.

The Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) is a reliable and standardised measure of at-risk behaviour in gambling harm. It is a tool based on research on the common signs and consequences of gambling harm.

We invite you to think over the last 12 months and take your quiz here

Join the 100 Day Challenge

The 100 Day Challenge is an anonymous and flexible program designed to give you the support you need if you have decided to cut back, take a break or stop gambling permanently.

Through the 100 Day Challenge you can set individual goals, get support and advice, discover new activities or chat with others who also share the interest for the challenge.

Join the challenge on the 100 Day Challenge website.

Self-exclusion process to manage gambling

Self-exclusion (or self-banning) is a process where you voluntary exclude yourself from areas of specific gambling venues or online providers.

It can provide a concrete tool to help keep you safe from excessive gambling.

All Australian gambling providers are required to give customers the option to self-exclude from their venue or products. So whether someone wants to ban themselves from entering the premises of venues such as clubs, pubs or TABs or from placing a bet on gambling websites such as SportsBet, TattsBet or Tattersall’s, self-exclusion is available.

You can find some ways to try to self-exclude depending on how you gamble on the Gambling Help Online.

Calculate how much you spend on gambling

Do you know how much time and money you are spending on gambling?

We offer you a tool to calculate how much of your income you spend weekly, monthly and annually on gambling.

The Gambling Help Online Calculator can give you a better picture of how gambling affects your life.

This is just an indicator of where you may sit.

Let’s change the strategy

When we identify that gambling is causing harm, we can decide to change strategies or habits in order to limit or modify gambling behaviour.

These change strategies can be implemented without professional oversight, but it can be helpful to check in with a counsellor on the best ways to implement or maintain them.

The Gambling Help Online website offers the top 20 strategies that people have found useful for limiting or cutting back gambling behaviour.

Support services

Financial Counselling

We work in partnership with Care Financial Counselling Service to help people in financial stress offering counselling and information about financial matters. 
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Often just talking things through, sharing ideas and expressing feelings and thoughts freely in a space without judgement or pressure, means that people come up with their own solutions. 
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Drop-in Group

Our drop-in group is an opportunity for people who are impacted by gambling harm to come together and support one another.
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Peer Support

Our Peer Support builds safe pathways for people to come together and share common experiences and concerns so seeds of hope can grow, which can remind and inspire us that life will not always be this way.
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Community, Education and Engagement

We work to break down the myths about gambling and gambling harm so together we can build a stronger, more supportive Canberra.
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Free Helpline

1800 858 858

(free and confidential)

Open 24 hours, 7 days a week Gambling Help Online