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What happens when I contact the ACT Gambling Support Service?

Gambling harm can impact you, a family member, a friend, and the community in different ways, including financial difficulties, poor mental health, legal problems, living arrangements, work-related issues, physical health, and relationship problems.

In fact, research shows that financial and family/relationship issues are the main trigger for people experiencing gambling harm to seek help.

Recognising that gambling harms you or someone you love takes courage. Awareness allows you to make conscious decisions about the changes you want to see in your life.

We never tire of saying this but, we are always here to support you.

The ACT Gambling Support Service helps people to rebuild and establish positive connections with family,  finances, work, and lifestyle as crucial components of their recovery journey. We work to assist our clients in reinterpreting or reframing their situation without shame or judgement.

We focus on the individual assessment and uniquely tailored responses and strategies for each client, acknowledging that they will need different tools and interventions throughout their time with us.

We believe every person is different, as are their needs.

So, what happens when you want to talk about gambling harming you, a family member, or a friend?

  1. Making contact

All the ACT Gambling Support Services are free and confidential.

You can call us anytime. Our helpline 1800 858 858 is available 24 hours, 7 days. You can contact us anonymously if you wish. We are here to listen without judgment and unrealistic expectations.

After listening to your needs, we can arrange for you to see a counsellor in your area.

We build on understanding of each person’s circumstances and provide support in many ways. We set collective goals about what you want to achieve from counselling.

Depending on your situation, we will connect you with a:

We know that you may feel overwhelmed because you don’t have enough money to buy food or pay your rent, car loans or electricity. Sometimes you feel stuck and do not know what to do.

We work in partnership with Care Financial Counselling Service to listen to your story, comprehend your financial position and give you information about what options you have.

If specialist services are needed, such as legal advice, financial counsellors will refer.

A counsellor will talk about what’s been going on and look at how gambling affects your life.

We tailor the approach and frequency to individual needs. People can have all sorts of different reasons to talk to a gambling counsellor, including:

If another person’s gambling affects you, you can explore strategies to manage what’s happening to you and your family member or friend with gambling. Counsellors can help you work out ways to broach the subject with your loved one if you are unsure how to do it.

We provide a range of helpful resources and information, including face-to-face counselling, telephone counselling, online support, education material, support groups, self-exclusion, and external referrals.

Our peer support builds safe pathways for people to come together and share everyday experiences and concerns so seeds of hope can grow, reminding and inspiring us that life will not always be this way.

We offer emotional encouragement by listening and understanding, empowering, and building confidence on your path to recovery.

If you are impacted by gambling harm, you are not alone. We are here to listen, encourage and walk alongside you.

Remember that our services are free and confidential. Everything can start with a phone call to our 24/7 helpline 1800 858 858 or visit our website for more resources.