1800 858 858

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Provide Feedback

The lead agency of the ACT Gambling Support Service, Relationships Australia Canberra & Region is committed to the continuous improvement of our services and client experience. To inform our continuous quality improvement processes, all feedback is highly valued – both compliments and complaints.

How to provide feedback

To let us know what we did well or what we could do better you can:

How to provide feedback

You have the right to give feedback on your experience. 

Ideally, any issues should first be discussed with your AGSS worker. If you are not satisfied with this discussion, you can submit a complaint. If you need support to make a complaint, please indicate this on the online form, or call 1300 364 277 to speak to a manager. 

As per our client rights and responsibilities policy, all complaints are taken seriously. We will make initial contact with you within five working days. Your information, including the complaint will be kept confidential and only shared as required to investigate the complaint. 

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can provide feedback through an external oversight agency such as the ACT Human Rights Commission.

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About You

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Tell us about your experience
